How P2U works

PathwaysToUni helps you take the first step to transition from high school to uni through an alternative pathway program. It’s a unique opportunity for you to access extra help and support during that crucial first year.

It is okay for you to be undecided about what you want to study. Not everyone will transition from Year 12 to university in the same way. Is your ATAR not what you expected? PathwaysToUni gives you a pathway to a degree by providing a bridging course between high school and university.

This means that you will receive extra help and support during that crucial first year, also allowing you to mature and develop further. At PathwaysToUni, experience has taught us that some students just need more time and support, but given the chance, will succeed academically and go from strength-to-strength.

If you would like to know more about how you can enroll at university through PathwaysToUni, please use the form below to contact us.

Contact us

P2U Signup Form_Aug2023